

If you are new in EVE Online and are interested in joining a recent, fresh group, join Round Table Group.

ROTA Industries is looking to recruit players from all kinds. Either you interested in mining, gas harvesting, exploration, combat, PVP or PVE, we need you! We only recently started seriously looking for new members and the group itself was only founded in December 2020, but since we created ROTA our main goal was always build a corporation suitable for all kinds of players.

ROTA Industries plan is to stage mainly in HS, but aiming at all sorts of activities. With that in mind, we already launched two initiatives to help future members in two major activities: Mining and Exploration.

On the resource harvesting side we launched the Project "Messis" to supply our members with free fitted ventures, for gas and ore! Might not sound like much, but if you are a newbie or simply closer to ROTA Area of Operations than the closest Hub, that might make the difference between spending your limited ISK savings or your limited free time playing "jump gate" simulator insted of actually mine that ore or harvest that gas you need.

On the exploration side we launched Project "Rimor" where we are gona have a stock of fully fitted T1 exploration frigates to give out for free to all our members. You can know more about this two initiatives here on ROTA Industries main page. Both this projects aren't still fully set up, but we are seriously working on it!

Ohh, and, well, this website, this is also one of the initiatives, of the many we are studying, for the creation of a corporation for its members. A lot is still to build and we had barely started, but we need your help. Come and be part of the creation of Round Table Group!

Round Table Group is also routinely involved in a lot of combat operations helping allies inside wormholes, roaming troo low-sec and even sometimes camping gates in low-sec. Obviously this type of ops can sometimes be very discreet or even secret so don't expect to be called right away to this kind of activities. However, we will eventually build operations of our own as we grow.

Round Table Origins

The Round Table Group founding corporation, Round Table Inc, was originally a corporation focused on operations in wormhole space and we even had our own system and, in that system, our first station, "Primis" Station.

Soon we realized, after a couple months of operation, that Round Table with its founding members alone wouldn't be able to efficiently make the most of its wormhole (WH) system, or, in case of attack, efficiently secure it. To make things worst, the entirety of Round Table members where, by nature, focused not in one, but in a multitude of activities, specially PVP related, mostly happening outside WH space.

It didn't took long to this group of 5 players to realize that a important step wasn't taken, that was, actually having a committed group, with enough size to not only make our wormhole enjoyable but also make it in a way that we could all divert our attention away from time to time. 

That was when ROTA was created, but it would take time for actual attention to be diverted to it. That happened when we strike a deal with another entity to take "Primis" Station off our hands in exchange for a monetary compensation.

Today, Round Table Group focuses on helping out his partners and allies, waiting for ROTA Industries to grow and, in the future, be able not only to have enough members to secure a WH but also guarantee that we can do all the activities that both the current as well the future members decide they want to do, either be that missioning, mining, industry, hauling, PVP, or whatever.  All of that while keeping loyal to our external friends.

Yes we are a small group, not to say limited, but we do intend to create a serious, loyal and committed corporation where the player, alpha or omega, can feel part of something. A non-toxic, fun, active and chilled community with a variety of allies and partners. 

Some words from the (fuc#!ng) management ^-^

"We are a small group, searching for new members to help us build and make something of this project. Our objective is to set up a group capable of defending his interests and supplying his members with the tools they need. One of our main goals is simply to serve has a platform for our players to grow, and with that growth, grow the group with them. We want to build around our members, for their needs and fun. We want to build a fun, relaxed, professional, willing and resilient community. We will help our allies, and together each other. We will be friendly and polite to everyone that deserves our respect and friendship. We will work to have a proper progress track to our members, no matter their goals."


And most importantly, real life comes first!! So just chill ^_^." - Petrum Sanctum, CEO of ROTA Industries *Eltrab yelling in the background (cause he loves yelling at Petrum ª-ª)

Round Table tactical destroyers flying in formation on roaming OP
Round Table tactical destroyers flying in formation on roaming OP

Round Table Group (EVE gaming group)
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